0. Zero Page Crap $00: General purpose? $04: Associated with Event Commands. $05: Associated with Bank $C7 crap. $12: Associated with the X coordinate $14: Associated with the Y coordinate Normal cycle: 00d64e jsr $d2e0 [00d2e0] A:034c X:0000 Y:02ac S:01f8 D:0000 DB:7e nvmxdIzc V:255 H: 132 00eed8 ldy #$0400 A:3600 X:0000 Y:0200 S:01f8 D:0000 DB:7e nvmxdIzC V: 2 H: 616 00f4cf sep #$20 A:047e X:0600 Y:0200 S:01f4 D:0000 DB:7e nvMxdIZc V: 4 H:1362 00f1d5 lda $e02f,x [7ee62f] A:0001 X:0600 Y:0000 S:01f6 D:0000 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 7 H:1128 00e3d3 cpx #$0600 A:007e X:0000 Y:0000 S:01f6 D:0000 DB:7e nvMxdIZc V: 11 H: 294 00d64e jsr $d2e0 [00d2e0] A:034c X:0000 Y:02ac S:01f8 D:0000 DB:7e nvmxdIzc V:257 H: 710 $42: Controller 1 buttons pressed, sheesh. - 80: A, X: 40, 20: L, 10: R $43: - 80: B, Y: 40, 20: Select, 10: Start, 08: Up, 04: Down, 02: Left, 01: Right $D1: Event File Pointer $D3: Event File Bank $D4: Data index of lead character $DC: Room Destination Number ($C83000,X) $DE: Room Destination X ($C83001,X) $DF: Room Destination Y ($C83002,X) $E0: Room Destination Style ($C83003,X) $E8: $ED: Bit #$80 == combat zone, weapons put away otherwise. Important to Event Command 09. $FA: Flammie X $FB: Flammie X sector $FC: Flammie Y $FD: Flammie Y sector $100: Initialized to #$40 in C1/4D0F. $104: Initialized in #$40 in C1/4D0F. $1FF: Stack pointer is initialized as this during Reset subroutines and grows up towards $00. Direct/Zero page addresses are actually done relative to the Data Bank register in order to avoid fucking up the Stack, it seems. I. Palettes $0600: Not quite sure. $0620: Onscreen background palettes! First bit tends to have 7070, A0A0, or B0B0. Changing these will alter the appearance of things on screen, which makes for easy testing. I. Menu Items/Screen Crap $1801 [Screen mode. 00 = Field. 40 = Menu Ring. 80 = Status Menu? Doesn't seem to fit exactly, but...] $1808 [Current character using the menu?] $1809 [Current Menu. 00 = Usable Items. 01 = Magic. 02 = Main Menu. 03 = Weapons Normally only goes up to 03 in the main sets, but there's more! 04 = Headgear Menu. 05 = Body Armor. 06 = Bracer Armor. 07 = Crash. Aww, well. 08 = HORRIFIC CRASH.] $180A [Current Menu Item. Only points to current, not an absolute indicator] $180E [Ring Menu Layout pointer] $1880: [Assuming that ff ff marks the end of a stretch] Usable Items Menu: 9d 85 9e 86 9f 87 a0 88 a1 89 a2 8a a3 8b a4 8c 001890 a5 8d a6 8e a7 95 a8 95 ff ff Weapons Menu: 58 08 59 09 67 23 62 13 6f 37 73 3e 6e 34 63 1a 001890 ff ff Main Menu: a9 8f aa 90 ab 91 ac 92 ad 93 ae 94 09 90 ff ff $1E05: Related to the instruments in the area? Bank 7E: $0700 -- Palettes? $0800~0A1F -- Used for OAM $BE00~BFFF -- Used for CGRAM? X. Spawn Tables C800 -- Some kinna type marker, either 01 or, for enemies, 81 C808 -- (Enemy Table Byte 0) C809 -- (Enemy Table Byte 1) C80A -- Starting character X position (ET Byte 2) C80B -- Starting character Y position (ET Byte 3) C80C -- (ET Byte 4) C80D -- Character Type (ET Byte 5) C80E -- Event Low Byte (ET Byte 6) C80F -- Event High Byte (ET Byte 7) CA80 -- What is this? {Ref: C1/1FEB} CC90 CCA0 II. Global Hero Statistics CC00 Hero's Name (Ex: 9c 9c 9c 9e 9e a0 00 00 00 00 00 00) CC0C Girl's Name CC18 Sprite's Name CC24 Helmet List CC30 Armor List CC3c Bracer List CC48 Item List (12 bytes) CC54 Glove [As a note, it is impossible to replace a weapon here with an enemy weapon] CC55 Sword CC56 Axe CC57 Spear CC58 Whip CC59 Bow CC5A Boomerang CC5B Poledart [CC5C] Hypothetical Bazooka position we could use? CC6A Gold CC7D - Related to UPT F3 CF00 - Event Flags, it seems! CFD8 - Associated with first argument of Event Command 30 CFB1 - Associated with $E194? DE00 - Mirror of 0600 DF00 - Palettes? DF20 - Boy Palette DF40 - Girl Palette DF60 - Sprite Palette DF80 - No idea (has been seen to be character palette FF) DFA0 - 7E0389 {Damage amount to one character?} III. Individual Character/Enemy Statistics (i.e., for all three characters and all three enemies) 7EE000/7EE180 [Character 1] (Y = 0) 7EE200/7EE380 [Character 2] (Y = 200) 7EE400/7EE580 [Character 3] (Y = 400) 7EE600/7EE780 [Enemy/NPC 1] (Y = 600) 7EE800/7EE980 [Enemy/NPC 2] (Y = 800) 7EEA00/7EEB80 [Enemy/NPC 3] (Y = A00) 7EEC00/7EED80 [NPC 4] {Y = C00} 7EEE00/7EEF80 [NPC 5] {Y = E00} 7EF000/7EF180 [NPC 6] {Y = 1000} 7EF200/7EF380 [NPC 7] {Y = 1200} 7EF400/7EF580 [NPC 8] {Y = 1400} 7EF600/7EF780 [NPC 9] {Y = 1600} May go as high as 7ef600 for theoretical usage. Moogle village uses up to 7ef200 for NPCs. $E000,Y [Master Activation Byte. 01 = Bother running character through normal routines] $E002,Y [X coordinate] $E004,Y [Y coordinate] $E006,Y C2/B053 $E008,Y {Causes character to rise at a speed dependent upon whatever's entered, then come back down. Weird} 10s digit determines speed, 1s digit determines how far? $E00B,Y $E00E,Y Seiken Bin.: "Transparency" [Effect flags: 80: Invisible, 40: Flashing, 02: Vertical shaking, 01: Horizontal shaking] $E00F,Y $E010,Y [Sprite Flags: 80: Flipped Horizontally, 02: Facing Right 01: Facing Down 00: Facing Up] $E01B,Y {Current Charge Level?} $E016,Y [Pointer related to Bank 11. Enemy sprite construction stuff?] $E01D,Y C2/B053 $E020,Y #$0100 is some important value for this... $E02B,Y $E02C,Y [Character leads the party; if not set, the character will have no bearing on screen movement/transition] {As an aside, the screen has an area of 0x66/102 pixels that does not affect background shifting, eh? Also, causes other characters to act with their AI; an enemy with this flag set will cause the character you're controlling to face them, attack as if under AI, and do weird but harmless crap } $E030,Y Associated with #$FF in Bank 1 subroutines. $E032,Y $E034,Y [Holds a Y index register value for $02c757] {Really fucking useful, yeah.} $E03E,Y [Character Event, corresponds with $7EC80E,X and ] $E043,Y C0/E00C and Event Command 09 $E045,Y [Z coordinate, falling] $E04E,Y [Attacker -> Targets distance information, used both by enemies and AI players. Enemy use only, though both enemies and players seem to make use of it anyways in C1/E4CC] $E050,Y $08{Enemy -> Boy} Relative X distance of Boy, positive to the right of enemy? $E051,Y Relative Y distance of Boy, flags below determine whether it's left or right. $E052,Y Bit #$80 if Boy is above enemy, bit #$40 set if Boy is to left of enemy. $E053,Y $08{Enemy -> Girl} $E055,Y {Enemy -> Girl} $E056,Y $08{Enemy -> Sprite} $E058,Y {Enemy -> Sprite} $E05A,Y $E060,Y C2/B053 $E065,Y $E069,Y [Weapon palette stored here] $E06A,Y [Animation Pointer, Bank 10: Elementals, Bank 14: General Spellcasting, Bank 13: Specific Spell Crap] $E06E,Y [Character Animation index?] $E070,Y [$D0/0000,X. You know that table? Yeah, indices 0 through F go in this row.](16) $E074,Y [Z coordinate, hovering] $E077,Y [See above, mirrored in $E065 too] $E080,Y [Character Sprite Pointer](3) $E082,Y [See above, bank component] $E085,Y {Weapon Charge Flag?} $E093,Y [] $E0A0,Y [Initial Boss AI pointer?] $E0A2,Y [Initial Boss AI pointer bank?] $E0FC,Y [Contains Spell Word 2] {Pointer to Bank 11 for Ice Saber} d196fa $E0FE,Y [Contains Spell Word 2] {Used to fresh $EOFC,Y} $E100,Y [C9 and 89 as possible values when flashing after a swing. Affects palette cycling?] $E103,Y [89 causes it to count up, C9 causes it to count down. Used in post-swing palette flashing] $E104,Y ?? $E140,Y ?? $E141,Y [UPT ED] $E144,Y AI Command Offset {normal enemies only} $E14A,Y {Screen transitions?} $E14F,Y AI Call Depth $E150,Y AI Command Stack $E170,Y Related to magic $E171,Y Related to magic $E175,Y [HP/MP Number Palette, putting a palette number here causes the numbers to display, then palette = 00] $E176,Y [Number of spell targets] $E177,Y [Related to spellcasting? Elemental affiliation of spell being cast? Shade/Lumina seem to both be 06] $E178,Y [Primary Spell Target] $E179,Y [Secondary Spell Target] $E17A,Y [Tertiary Spell Target] {01 - Boy, 02 - Girl, 03 - Sprite, etc.} $E17B,Y [HP/MP Number Display] $E17F,Y ? $E180,Y [Character/Monster Type] $E181,Y [Level] $E182,Y [Current HP](2) $E184,Y [Max HP](2) $E186,Y [Current MP](2) $E187,Y [Max MP](2) $E188,Y [Strength] $E189,Y [Agility] $E18A,Y [Constitution] {Always 1 for monsters?} 12/28/2009, 4:15 AM Real men don't need constitution. $E18B,Y [Intelligence] $E18C,Y [Wisdom] $E18D,Y [Experience Worth for monsters, Experience ] $E190,Y [Status effects: 80: Confused. 40: Petrified. 20: Frostied. 10: Unconscious. 08: Dummy 3 (Paralysis?). 04: Tangled. 02: Dummy 2. 01: Dummy 1/Unassailable.] {Dummy 1 is set while a character is opening/shaking a chest} $E191,Y [Status effects: 80: Ghost. 40: Engulfed. 20: Poisoned. 10: Moogled. 08: Change Form. 04: Barreled. 02: Pygmized. 01: Ballooned/Spaced Out? $E192,Y [Type] $E193,Y [Element] $E194,Y [Weapon Monster Affinity] $E195,Y [Saber spells: 01: Stone Saber. 04: Ice Saber.] {Changes E1B9?} $E196,Y [Attack Power?] $E197,Y [Hit %] $E198,Y [Attack, eh?] $E199,Y [Weapon Status Effects?] $E19B,Y Seiken Bin: Accumulation Level [Weapon Levels'1] $E19C,Y Seiken Bin: Accumulation Max [Weapon Levels'2] $E19D,Y [Number of attacks until saber spell fades] $E19E,Y ?? $E1A1,Y ?? $E1A3,Y {Contains 80, related to spell damage formula?} $E1A4,Y [Evade] {Max: 99 (63)} $E1A5,Y [Defense]{2} {Max: 999 (03e7, e703 in memory)} $E1A7,Y [MEvade] {Max: 99 (63), doesn't work?} $E1A8,Y [MDefense]{2} {Max: 999 (03e7, e703 in memory)} $E1AA,Y [Loads the weird 0016 crap in the Rabite, for example] $E1AC,Y [Current attack target of Player AI/Enemy AI, 01 through 06. Associated with $81] $E1AD,Y {Current ability target?} $E1AE,Y [ $E1B0,Y [Stat (de)buffs: 80: 40: 20: 10: Speed Up(Hit %) 08: Tangle. 04: Speedup(Evade?) 02: Acid Storm 01: Defender] $E1B1,Y [Stat (de)buffs: 40: Wall 10: Lucid Barrier 01: ??] {Enemy death style} $E1B2,Y $E1B3,Y $E1B4,Y $E1B5,Y $E1B6,Y $E1B7,Y [Status Countdown] $E1BA,Y [Status Countdown] $E1BB,Y [Status Countdown] $E1BC,Y [Status Countdown] $E1BD,Y ?? $E1C0,Y Seiken Bin.: Glove/Sword Levels [Weapon Levels]{4} {Enemy Weapon Level, after four LSR's} $E1C1,Y Seiken Bin.: Axe/Spear Levels $E1C2,Y Seiken Bin.: Whip/Bow Levels $E1C3,Y Seiken Bin.: Boomerang/Javelin Levels $E1C4,Y [Gnome & Undine Levels] {Enemy Magic Level, after having #$0F AND'd} $E1C5,Y [Salamando & Sylphid Levels] $E1C6,Y [Luna & Dryad Levels] $E1C7,Y [Shade & Lumina Levels] $E1C8,Y [Gnome Mana] {Enemy Luc} $E1C9,Y [Undine Mana] $E1CA,Y [Salamando Mana] {Enemy death style again?} $E1CB,Y [Sylphid Mana] $E1CC,Y [Luna Mana] $E1CD,Y [Dryad Mana] $E1CE,Y [Shade Mana] {Drop chart crap} $E1CF,Y [Lumina Mana] $E1D0,Y Seiken Bin.: Glove Skill $E1D1,Y Seiken Bin.: Sword Skill $E1D2,Y Seiken Bin.: Axe Skill $E1D3,Y Seiken Bin.: Spear Skill $E1D4,Y Seiken Bin.: Whip Skill $E1D5,Y Seiken Bin.: Bow Skill $E1D6,Y Seiken Bin.: Boomerang Skill $E1D7,Y Seiken Bin.: Javelin Skill $E1D8,Y ?? $E1E0,Y Seiken Bin.: Head Armor Counter? $E1E1,Y $E1E2,Y $E1E3,Y [Wielded Weapon] {Might actually control attack animation type for weapons} $E1E4,Y Seiken Bin.: Weapon Type [Wielded Weapon2?](Maybe not exactly...) $E1E5,Y ?? $E1E6,Y $E1E7,Y $B2 $E1E8,Y $E1E9,Y $E1E8,Y [Weapons, second byte 00 for player characters] {Can gain attack power of enemy weapons with this} $E1ED,Y [Attack Bar %] {Niceness?} $E1F0,Y [Unused by monsters?] $E1F1,Y [HP Damage] $E1F3,Y [HP Healing] $E1F5,Y [MP Damage] $E1F6,Y [MP Healing] $E1FB,Y Seiken Bin.: Manipulation Flag? {Related to Dummy Status 1} $E1FD,Y [Related to Sprite's Magic?] [Loads the weird 0A0A crap in the Rabite, for example] $E1FE,Y [Related to Girl's Magic?] Boy: 7ee180 80 00 32 00 32 00 00 00 0f 0f 0d 05 05 00 00 00 Rabite: 7ee780 00 01 14 00 14 00 63 63 03 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 Side by side: Boy Rabite(Test) Type: 80 00 Level: 1 2 HP: 50 20 Max HP: 50 20 MP: 00 99(TestVal) Max MP: 00 99(TestVal) Strength: 15 3 Agility: 15 1 Constitution: 13 1(Always just 1?) Intelligence: 5 1 Wisdom: 5 1 Experience: 0 1 Boy memory: 7ee000 01 00 82 02 52 03 00 00 fc 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 7ee010 02 03 00 00 00 00 09 5d 06 5d 00 00 00 00 08 00 7ee020 c7 00 9e 00 81 00 56 00 38 00 40 22 01 00 00 00 7ee030 02 03 00 d2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8c 8c 00 00 00 7ee050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9b 5e 7ee060 00 00 00 00 00 30 31 00 01 18 e2 31 60 0c 00 0c 7ee070 00 00 00 00 8e cc 37 40 30 ea 58 40 20 40 40 11 7ee080 00 00 d5 02 01 00 44 09 38 00 c0 2b 00 00 07 00 7ee090 fb f0 c0 3b f8 00 c2 3b 05 00 c4 3b 02 00 c6 3b 7ee0a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee0b0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee0c0 00 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 f1 08 10 00 f1 00 00 7ee0d0 f8 f5 44 79 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee0e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee0f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 a2 00 82 00 00 00 00 00 7ee100 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee110 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee120 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee130 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee140 00 00 00 00 ea 58 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee150 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee160 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee170 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 [Bank $10 derived stuff] 7ee180 80 00 32 00 32 00 00 00 0f 0f 0d 05 05 00 00 00 7ee190 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4e 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee1a0 00 00 00 00 28 10 00 10 06 00 00 08 ff ff 00 50 7ee1b0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 58 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee1c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee1d0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [Contains weapon wielded] 7ee1e0 00 16 00 09 01 ff 00 80 09 00 00 00 0f 00 00 00 7ee1f0 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 Rabite memory: 7ee600 01 00 64 01 54 02 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 7ee610 01 00 00 00 00 00 0d a8 04 a8 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee620 8c 00 6c 00 80 00 02 00 02 00 ac 46 00 00 00 00 7ee630 01 00 00 d3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 01 c0 7ee640 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 93 00 00 00 7ee650 3a 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee660 00 00 00 00 00 0c 54 00 38 30 20 49 60 0d 60 0e 7ee670 95 11 04 04 86 aa 4c 0c 54 00 00 ac 46 ac 46 35 7ee680 40 65 d9 02 00 00 c8 08 02 00 40 2a 00 00 06 00 7ee690 ec f7 40 2a fc f8 42 2a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee6a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee6b0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee6c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f9 14 14 00 00 00 00 7ee6d0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee6e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee6f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 a2 00 82 00 00 00 00 00 7ee700 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee710 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee720 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee730 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee740 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee750 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee760 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee770 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [Bank $10 derived values] 7ee780 00 01 14 00 14 00 00 00 03 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 7ee790 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 63 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee7a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 16 ff ff 00 35 7ee7b0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7ee7c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 e3 00 7ee7d0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [Contains weapon wielded] 7ee7e0 00 00 00 48 00 ff 00 00 48 48 00 00 0f 00 00 00 7ee7f0 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 19 00 00 04 00 ff 0a 0a 00 Stat mod results, eh? C3 C0 C2 FF|C3 11 16 21 11 16 16 16 11 14 14 14 9 6 6 6 1 6 6 6 1 14 20 24 14 78 79 79 77 17 17 17 12 41 41 41 39 7 7 7 2 Str: 27 Agi: 27 Con: 21 Int: 9 Wis: 11 Messaging: $FE00 [Start of a message-containing string] Other: Breakpoint 1 hit (10). (7EE188,Y) c767c2 sta $a1e0,x [7ea1e0] A:0020 X:0000 Y:0008 S:01d9 D:0000 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V:117 H:1268 c767c5 inx A:0020 X:0000 Y:0008 S:01d9 D:0000 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V:117 H:1306 c767c6 stz $a1e0,x [7ea1e1] A:0020 X:0001 Y:0008 S:01d9 D:0000 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V:117 H:1320 c767c9 inx A:0020 X:0001 Y:0008 S:01d9 D:0000 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V:117 H:1358 c767ca iny A:0020 X:0002 Y:0008 S:01d9 D:0000 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V:118 H: 8 c767cb rts A:0020 X:0002 Y:0009 S:01d9 D:0000 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V:118 H: 22 c766ff dec $a177 [7ea177] A:0020 X:0002 Y:0009 S:01db D:0000 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V:118 H: 64 c76702 bne $66fc [c766fc] A:0020 X:0002 Y:0009 S:01db D:0000 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V:118 H: 110 c766fc jsr $67bf [c767bf] A:0020 X:0002 Y:0009 S:01db D:0000 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V:118 H: 132 c767bf lda $e180,y [7ee189] A:0020 X:0002 Y:0009 S:01d9 D:0000 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V:118 H: 178 c767c2 sta $a1e0,x [7ea1e2] A:001b X:0002 Y:0009 S:01d9 D:0000 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V:118 H: 216 c767c5 inx A:001b X:0002 Y:0009 S:01d9 D:0000 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V:118 H: 254 c767c6 stz $a1e0,x [7ea1e3] A:001b X:0003 Y:0009 S:01d9 D:0000 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V:118 H: 268 {Hard SoM version of C0/8004 C0|8004: 5C0000E4 JMP $E40000 [What's there in the HardSoM memory?] C0|8008: EA NOP C0|8009: 1000C1 [Junk] Spell animation crap: Loaded som. Breakpoint 0 hit (1). 018745 sta $e0fc,y [7ee4fc] A:85c6 X:0200 Y:0400 S:01f5 D:0000 DB:7e NvmxdIzc V:159 H: 68 018748 lda $e177,y [7ee577] A:85c6 X:0200 Y:0400 S:01f5 D:0000 DB:7e NvmxdIzc V:159 H: 114 01874b and #$0007 A:0501 X:0200 Y:0400 S:01f5 D:0000 DB:7e nvmxdIzc V:159 H: 160 01874e asl a A:0001 X:0200 Y:0400 S:01f5 D:0000 DB:7e nvmxdIzc V:159 H: 184 Breakpoint 1 hit (1). 018686 ldx $14 [000014] A:0fc0 X:0202 Y:0002 S:01e9 D:0000 DB:7e nvmxdIzc V: 94 H: 12 018688 pha A:0fc0 X:0800 Y:0002 S:01e9 D:0000 DB:7e nvmxdIzc V: 94 H: 44 018689 and #$07ff A:0fc0 X:0800 Y:0002 S:01e7 D:0000 DB:7e nvmxdIzc V: 94 H: 74 01868c asl a A:07c0 X:0800 Y:0002 S:01e7 D:0000 DB:7e nvmxdIzc V: 94 H: 98 Breakpoint 2 hit (1). 018806 sta $e04f,y [7ee84f] A:0299 X:0208 Y:0800 S:01ed D:0000 DB:7e NvMxdIzc V:230 H: 4 018809 lda #$c0 A:0299 X:0208 Y:0800 S:01ed D:0000 DB:7e NvMxdIzc V:230 H: 42 01880b sta $e060,y [7ee860] A:02c0 X:0208 Y:0800 S:01ed D:0000 DB:7e NvMxdIzc V:230 H: 58 Breakpoint 4 hit (1). 018857 sta $e0fc,y [7ee8fc] A:8c86 X:0208 Y:0800 S:01ed D:0000 DB:7e NvmxdIzc V:230 H:1116 01885a lda $d02aa2,x [d02caa] A:8c86 X:0208 Y:0800 S:01ed D:0000 DB:7e NvmxdIzc V:230 H:1162 Spell intelligence crap: Loaded som. Breakpoint 0 hit (1). c04b5e sta $e18b,y [7ee18b] A:000a X:0000 Y:0000 S:01d9 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V:245 H: 948 c04b61 phy A:000a X:0000 Y:0000 S:01d9 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V:245 H: 986 c04b62 ldy #$1001 A:000a X:0000 Y:0000 S:01d7 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V:245 H:1016 Breakpoint 0 hit (2). c04be0 bcs $4be5 [c04be5] A:0063 X:0003 Y:0000 S:01d9 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzC V:246 H: 928 c04be5 lda #$01 A:0063 X:0003 Y:0000 S:01d9 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzC V:246 H: 950 Breakpoint 0 hit (3). c04bea bcc $4bef [c04bef] A:0001 X:0003 Y:0000 S:01d9 D:0300 DB:7e NvMxdIzc V:246 H:1004 c04bef inx A:0001 X:0003 Y:0000 S:01d9 D:0300 DB:7e NvMxdIzc V:246 H:1026 Breakpoint 0 hit (1). {7ee58b, Intelligence} c8e886 sta $91 [000391] A:000f X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01df D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 120 c8e888 lda $e1fd,y [7ee5fd] A:000f X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01df D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 144 c8e88b sta $96 [000396] A:0000 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01df D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIZc V: 90 H: 182 c8e88d rts A:0000 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01df D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIZc V: 90 H: 206 c8e7cf lda $e1fb,y [7ee5fb] A:0000 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01e1 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIZc V: 90 H: 248 c8e7d2 bpl $e7dd [c8e7dd] A:0080 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01e1 D:0300 DB:7e NvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 286 c8e7d4 ldy #$2ada A:0080 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01e1 D:0300 DB:7e NvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 302 c8e7d7 lda [$dc],y [d02c5a] A:0080 X:0a00 Y:2ada S:01e1 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 326 c8e7d9 ldy $83 [000383] A:003d X:0a00 Y:2ada S:01e1 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 374 c8e7db sta $96 [000396] A:003d X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01e1 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 406 c8e7dd lda $e176,y [7ee576] A:003d X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01e1 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 430 c8e7e0 beq $e800 [c8e800] A:0001 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01e1 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 468 c8e7e2 lda $e1b0,x [7eebb0] A:0001 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01e1 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 484 c8e7e5 pha A:0000 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01e1 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIZc V: 90 H: 522 c8e7e6 lda #$00 A:0000 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01e0 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIZc V: 90 H: 584 c8e7e8 xba A:0000 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01e0 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIZc V: 90 H: 600 c8e7e9 lda $e170,y [7ee570] A:0000 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01e0 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIZc V: 90 H: 620 c8e7ec asl a A:0006 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01e0 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 658 c8e7ed tax A:000c X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01e0 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 672 c8e7ee jsr ($e801,x) [c8e80d] A:000c X:000c Y:0400 S:01e0 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 686 c8ea8b ldx $85 [000385] A:000c X:000c Y:0400 S:01de D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 748 c8ea8d jsr $e8a0 [c8e8a0] A:000c X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01de D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 780 c8e8a0 ldy #$2adc A:000c X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01dc D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 826 c8e8a3 lda [$dc],y [d02c5c] A:000c X:0a00 Y:2adc S:01dc D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 850 c8e8a5 ldy $83 [000383] A:0004 X:0a00 Y:2adc S:01dc D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 898 c8e8a7 bit $e1a3,x [7eeba3] A:0004 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01dc D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H: 930 c8e8aa beq $e8b1 [c8e8b1] A:0004 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01dc D:0300 DB:7e NvMxdIZc V: 90 H: 968 c8e8b1 bit $e1a1,x [7eeba1] A:0004 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01dc D:0300 DB:7e NvMxdIZc V: 90 H: 990 c8e8b4 beq $e8bb [c8e8bb] A:0004 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01dc D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIZc V: 90 H:1028 c8e8bb lda #$02 A:0004 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01dc D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIZc V: 90 H:1050 c8e8bd sta $8f [00038f] A:0002 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01dc D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H:1066 c8e8bf rts A:0002 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01dc D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H:1090 c8ea90 jsr $e8c0 [c8e8c0] A:0002 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01de D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H:1132 c8e8c0 jsr $e990 [c8e990] A:0002 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01dc D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H:1178 c8e990 lda #$65 A:0002 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01da D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H:1224 c8e992 jsl $c03884 [c03884] A:0065 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01da D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H:1240 c03884 jsr $3888 [c03888] A:0065 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01d7 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H:1302 c03888 sta $004202 [004202] A:0065 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01d5 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 90 H:1348 c0388c jsr $38a0 [c038a0] A:0065 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01d5 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 91 H: 22 c038a0 phx A:0065 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01d3 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 91 H: 68 c038a1 phy A:0065 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01d1 D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 91 H: 98 c038a2 php A:0065 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01cf D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 91 H: 128 c038a3 sep #$10 A:0065 X:0a00 Y:0400 S:01ce D:0300 DB:7e nvMxdIzc V: 91 H: 150 c038a5 ldx $03f0 [7e03f0] A:0065 X:0000 Y:0000 S:01ce D:0300 DB:7e nvMXdIzc V: 91 H: 172 c038a8 lda $03f1,x [7e03fe] A:0065 X:000d Y:0000 S:01ce D:0300 DB:7e nvMXdIzc V: 91 H: 204 c038ab sta $cc [0003cc] A:0043 X:000d Y:0000 S:01ce D:0300 DB:7e nvMXdIzc V: 91 H: 236 c038ad dex A:0043 X:000d Y:0000 S:01ce D:0300 DB:7e nvMXdIzc V: 91 H: 260 c038ae bpl $38b2 [c038b2] A:0043 X:000c Y:0000 S:01ce D:0300 DB:7e nvMXdIzc V: 91 H: 274 c038b2 lda $03f1,x [7e03fd] A:0043 X:000c Y:0000 S:01ce D:0300 DB:7e nvMXdIzc V: 91 H: 296 c038b5 clc A:001b X:000c Y:0000 S:01ce D:0300 DB:7e nvMXdIzc V: 91 H: 328 c038b6 adc $cc [0003cc] A:001b X:000c Y:0000 S:01ce D:0300 DB:7e nvMXdIzc V: 91 H: 342 c038b8 sta $03f1,x [7e03fd] A:005e X:000c Y:0000 S:01ce D:0300 DB:7e nvMXdIzc V: 91 H: 366 c038bb xba A:005e X:000c Y:0000 S:01ce D:0300 DB:7e nvMXdIzc V: 91 H: 404 c038bc inc $03f0 [7e03f0] A:5e00 X:000c Y:0000 S:01ce D:0300 DB:7e nvMXdIZc V: 91 H: 424 Bank 7F: $B800 $C000 - 16x16 tile construction data. $D000 - Arranged 16x16 tile construction data? (last stop before getting DMA'd)